I was passing in front of the Harmsworth Hardware Store in downtown Brampton, and is my custom, glanced into the display window, expecting to see the collection of old tools that are usually on display there.
But this morning it was something different that awaited me.... A portrait of a young man, smartly clad in World War I dress uniform was prominent in the center of the window. Around him were strewn poppies and a display of medals, a military walking stick, and a telegram from the Canadian Military, informing James and Jane Harmsworth that their 21 year old son Henry Earl Harmsworth, of the 5th. Canadian Mounted Rifles, was killed on August 20, 1918 and that he was buried in Rouen, France.
Across the street, at the City Hall Cenotaph, plans were being made for this years Remembrance Day.
Chairs were being moved about, sound systems checked out ..... and I watched ..... thinking about Private Harmsworth